Mallika Sherawat is the famous name in Bollywood. Mallika Sherawat belongs to the Jaat family in Haryana. There are millions of fans and followers of Mallika Sherawat who always want to get the latest updates about Mallika Sherawat. They always search on Google to get the information about Mallika Sherawat. There are different search terms that people use to get the information about their favorite Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat. Some of famous search terms are like what is Mallika Sherawat breast size, what is Mallika Sherawat boobs size, what is Mallika Sherawat hips size, what are Mallika Sherawat body measurements, which was mallika sherawat kissing scene, which is mallika sherawat hot movie, which are mallika sherawat hot songs, which was mallika sherawat first movie, which was mallika sherawat hot kissing scene, which is mallika sherawat latest movie, what is mallika sherawat doing now a days, what is Mallika Sherawat bra size, what is Mallika Sherawat height, what is Mallika Sherawat age, what is Mallika Sherawat date of birth, what is Mallika Sherawat height and weight, which are Mallika Sherawat upcoming movies, what is Mallika Sherawat height, what is Mallika Sherawat real height, what is height of Mallika Sherawat in cm, what is Mallika Sherawat biodata, Mallika Sherawat ki height kitni hai, what is Mallika Sherawat cup size, what is Mallika Sherawat height and weight, Mallika Sherawat ka date of birth, what is Mallika Sherawat height in inches, what is height of Mallika Sherawat, which is best Mallika Sherawat bold photo, Mallika Sherawat ki height kitni hai, what is Mallika Sherawat marriage date, what is Mallika Sherawat marriage date, how Mallika Sherawat looks in shorts, how Mallika Sherawat looks without clothes, what is Mallika Sherawat age and height, which is best Mallika Sherawat bikini photo, how Mallika Sherawat looks in jeans, Mallika Sherawat ki age kitni hai, Mallika Sherawat ki family mein kon kon hai, what is mallika sherawat age, which is Mallika Sherawat twitter account, what is Mallika Sherawat height in feet, what is Mallika Sherawat family background, which is Mallika Sherawat hot photo, which is Mallika Sherawat wedding date, when is Mallika Sherawat birthday, which are Mallika Sherawat upcoming movies, how Mallika Sherawat looks in saree, which is Mallika Sherawat new movie, what is Mallika Sherawat marriage date, which is Mallika Sherawat Wikipedia page, how Mallika Sherawat looks without makeup, what is exact Mallika Sherawat height in feet without shoes, what is Mallika Sherawat wedding date, which are Mallika Sherawat sexy pictures, which was Mallika Sherawat first movie, and many more search terms.
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So here, in Mallika Sherawat Biography, we are sharing the all possible information about Mallika Sherawat.
Details About Mallika Sherawat |
Mallika Sherawat Real Name | Reema Lamba |
Mallika Sherawat Nickname | Mallika |
Mallika Sherawat Full Name | Mallika Sherawat |
Mallika Sherawat Date of Birth | 24-Oct-76 |
Mallika Sherawat Birthday | 24-Oct |
Real Age of Mallika Sherawat | 43 Years |
Mallika Sherawat Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Mallika Sherawat Religion | Hindu |
Mallika Sherawat Birth Place | Moth, Hisar, Haryana, India |
Mallika Sherawat Home Town | Rohtak, Haryana, India |
Mallika Sherawat Nationality | Indian |
Mallika Sherawat Education Qualification | DPS, New Delhi |
Mallika Sherawat School | DPS, New Delhi |
Mallika Sherawat College | Miranda House, Delhi University |
Mallika Sherawat Father Name | Mukesh Kumar Lamba |
Mallika Sherawat Mother Name | Santosh Sherawat |
Mallika Sherawat Brother Name | Vikram Lamba |
Mallika Sherawat Married To | Karan Singh Gill |
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Mallika Sherawat Body Measurements | 36-26-36 |
Mallika Sherawat Breast Size | 36 Inches |
Mallika Sherawat Waist Size | 26 Inches |
Mallika Sherawat Hip Size | 36 Inches |
Mallika Sherawat Bra Size | 36 B |
Mallika Sherawat Height in cm | 168 cm |
Mallika Sherawat Real Height in feet | 5′ 6″ |
Mallika Sherawat Weight | 52 kg |
Mallika Sherawat Boobs Size | 36 Inches |
Mallika Sherawat Eye Color | Brown |
Mallika Sherawat Hair Color | Black |
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Mallika Sherawat Profession | Actress |
Mallika Sherawat First Film in Hindi | Jeena Sirf Merre Liye |
Mallika Sherawat Hobbies | Yoga & Travelling |
Mallika Sherawat Favorite Food | Multi Grain Toast |
Mallika Sherawat Favorite Actor | Amitabh Bachchan |
Mallika Sherawat Favorite Film | Underground |
Mallika Sherawat Marital Status | Divorced |
Mallika Sherawat Marriage Date | Married in 2000 |
Mallika Sherawat Husband Name | Karan Singh Gill |
Mallika Sherawat Twitter | |
Mallika Sherawat Instagram | |
Mallika Sherawat Wikipedia | |
Mallika Sherawat Facebook | |
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I hope you will like the information shared here about Mallika Sherawat and this post has increased your knowledge about your favorite Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat.
All information shared here is taken from Google and Wikipedia.