Devastating rain has to lead to floods and landslides in Japan which caused the death of fifteen people and nine went missing. (Reference: The Guardian, Weather. com) Heavy rain in southern Japan has led to flooding and mudslides. Fourteen people were found in a nursing home which was also flooded in Kumamoto. The dead victims are yet not certified and the governor of Kumamoto said that the victims had a cardio respiratory arrest (a term used in Japan before a doctor certifies death officially)
More than 75000 residents in Kumamoto and Kagoshima were asked to evacuate and 10,000 soldiers were sent to help rescuers whereas the evacuation was not mandatory. Helicopters and boats were sent to rescue the people.
A man also reportedly said that he smelled the mud and the whole area was vibrating with river water and he has not experienced anything like that before so fearing a disaster he left the place earlier.
Footage showed how large areas inundated in muddy waters that came up from the Kuma River. The flood led cars to submerge up to their windows.
The disaster led mudslides to smash into houses and the floodwaters even carried the trunk from uprooted trees. Flooding destroys all sorts of communications and power supply. Large areas were submerged in floodwater along with many houses, buildings, and vehicles, almost up to their roofs and some people were standing on the top of the stores as they waited for the rescuers to come.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe alerted all the citizens to be very careful and take necessary precautions. Stay on “high alert”