Can educators use technology in their lessons? This is an achievable goal as long as the educators are ready to switch from the conventional teaching method such as introducing the lesson and then giving assignments. Thanks to technology, educators can now embrace student-centered learning and active engagement that helps students better understand their lessons. This type of teaching is known as flipped learning. Read on and discover more about this new learning method and how it helps maximize learning potential.
Interactive Activities
The traditional teaching method was designed in a way that left no room for interactive learning. All teachers had to do was to get in the classroom and lecture before giving students assignments. By the end of the topic they covered, they will provide an exam to gauge student understanding. This leads to most students cramming their lessons rather than seeking to understand them. However, educators implementing a flipped classroom use technology to introduce a new concept while students are not in class and then dedicate class time to applying this knowledge through interactive activities and collaborative projects.
Independent Learning Skills
In the conventional learning style, students rely on their teachers to learn new concepts. However, that is no longer the case with flipped learning since learners must get the knowledge before entering the classroom. In many cases, educators create videos for the learners to watch. This type of teaching encourages the learners to develop self-learning skills. This is where they do not need someone to teach them as they can learn independently and do their research. In addition, learners get a chance to learn at their own pace. However, teachers should note that not all students will be motivated to self-learn and should find ways to support and encourage those who seem to be struggling.
Fun for Students
What is likely to happen when a teacher stands in front of their class and gives a lecture for the entire lesson? Many students will likely get bored and drift from the lesson, meaning only a few will grasp the whole lesson. Therefore, the approach makes this form of teaching ineffective. However, educators can make their lessons fun by implementing flipped learning, creating a sense of fun and enjoyment for children. This creates opportunities to share their concert, develop new ideas, and collaborate in the classroom. Therefore, this method of learning makes learning fun and memorable.
Lesson Flexibility
In the past, teachers had to have a curriculum and lesson plan. The way they taught the class was rigid, and there was no room for students to give their thoughts or ideas. Students who cannot grasp any concept might be left behind since nothing stops the lesson. Thanks to technological advances, this is no longer the case, as learning is more collaborative and hands-on. It also keeps the line of communication open, encouraging students to ask questions each step of the way in case they do not understand something. That way, the teacher can clarify any information to help ensure that all the students are on the same page.
The flipped classroom model is gaining more traction in learning institutes. It encourages students to take the information home and attend to the classroom with prior knowledge of their lesson. This makes them better understand the lesson, share their thoughts, and ask questions if something needs clarification. In addition, it makes it easy for students to catch up with the lesson quickly, even if they are not in the classroom. This new learning method helps create students who can handle tasks independently with minimal supervision.