Best Morning Routine To Strengthen the Bond Between You and Your Newborn

Best Morning Routine To Strengthen the Bond Between You and Your Newborn

One of the most important things to figure out as a new parent is how to bond with newborn baby. The love and trust that you form now sets the tone for the relationship for the rest of your life. Morning is a good time to start building this special bond before the busy activities of the day begin. Here are some tips to help you make mornings a happy and productive time.

1. Start With Feeding

Realistically, the first thing you have to do when your baby first wakes up is change a diaper, but feeding should be the next thing. Once your baby starts eating solid food, try to wake up a little earlier than he or she does so you have time to make breakfast. Talk to your baby while he or she is eating. This helps to encourage language development. Breakfast time may also be a good idea to introduce an organic baby bundle.

Once the baby has been fed, don’t forget to eat your own breakfast. Your body needs fuel in order to function, and as a parent, you need to function at top efficiency.

2. Do Some Exercise

Exercise is important to maintain physical health. Not only do you benefit from it now, but it is never too early to start setting a good example for your child. You can put the baby in a stroller and go for a walk; the fresh air will do you both good. There are also exercise routines that you can do with your baby.

3. Make Time for Cuddles

Physical affection is really important for babies’ development. Experiments have shown that monkey babies that receive the basic necessities of life but no love or affection often fail to thrive. Orphaned monkey babies also show a preference for a soft, artificial “mother” that they can cuddle up to than a harder, colder device that dispenses food. Similarly, human babies need lots of love and cuddles.

Not only is cuddling good for your baby, but it’s also good for you, too. Cuddling together helps to prevent anxiety for both you and your baby. Cuddle time may also offer an opportunity to make use of newborn baby packages.

4. Put Away Electronics

It’s hard for two people to bond while one of them is looking at a smartphone or tablet. This is your special time to spend with your baby, who deserves your undivided attention. Your phone will wait, but once your baby’s childhood is gone, it is gone forever.

5. Be Consistent but Flexible

A consistent morning routine helps to add structure to your day. It gives your baby a sense of stability and helps you stay organized so you can accomplish all that you need to do, which helps reduce stress.

Nevertheless, as your baby grows, his or her needs will change. Your morning routine should be flexible enough to adapt to your baby’s changing needs.

While a morning routine helps you bond with your child, don’t stress out about creating a perfect routine right away. Just being present is the most important part.

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