Those who become sexual harassment victims at their respective workplaces usually have the right to compensation. Almost every victim may claim Compensation from a sexual harassment lawsuit if they’ve been the subject of one or more unwanted sexual advances, actions, or comments of sexual nature. Disgusting comments concerning the gender of an individual or sexual orientation may also have the possibility of turning into a lawsuit. Now, if you achieve success in your claim, you may receive a specific amount of financial compensation. However, this amount will depend on the kind of damages you suffer as a result of the event.

- Not acceptable: Sexual harassment at workplaces is a heinous crime that’s never acceptable under any circumstances. If you’re getting harassed or got harassed recently, you may have the right to file a lawsuit against the guilty party or even your employer. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC describes harassment as any form of unwanted attention depending on the person’s age, race, religion, national origin, sex, color, or disability. Everyone deserves to work in the safe environment of their offices.
- Breaking the law: It goes without saying that a group of individuals working at the same office every day often have fun together. They joke with each other, hang out, have their meals together at a nearby restaurant or the office canteen, etc. Sometimes, they even play pranks on each other. None of these events point to harassment. Things take a turn for the worse and become akin to breaking the law when,
- Your work gets hampered because you’re tolerating harassment.
- The events take place frequently and are severe enough to make working intolerable.
- Any reasonable individual will consider the situation antagonistic, intimidating, and unwanted.
3. Harassment severity: Harassment, whether it takes place at an office or outside, is always a horrifying and skin-crawling experience. The legal terms used to describe harassment can differ from one state to another, and you have to know them if you seek Compensation from a sexual harassment lawsuit. Nevertheless, it’s possible to break harassment down into several types.
- First-degree harassment includes stalking or intimidating someone constantly.
- Second-degree harassment incorporates striking, threatening, following, or annoying someone intentionally and repeatedly.
- Second-degree aggravated harassment happens when someone tries to communicate with you even if you don’t want to. It also includes anonymous communication, striking someone, or annoying someone.
- First-degree aggravated harassment is about damaging the premises, unsolicited communication, physical assault, or pointless communication.
4. Lawyer negotiates on your behalf: As a victim of sexual harassment or harassment of any other kind, you can file a lawsuit against the perpetrator for the losses and damages you incur. An attorney should be able to help you prove your case and even pinpoint the right place where you can ask for financial reimbursement. Sex assault lawyer can even aid you if the guilty party decides to settle the matter outside the courtroom.
- Calculating settlements: At times, the reimbursement value of a sexual harassment case can be challenging to ascertain as there won’t be a lot of evidence to prove the losses you suffer. Nonetheless, your advocate will go through as many potential damages as a victim can incur while calculating losses, including medical bills, mental anguish, lost income, emotional distress, and pain & suffering. Here are the compensation types you should be aware of.
- Back pay – It’s mostly about the wages that you probably would’ve received from the moment your superiors deny a raise or promotion. Back pay generally includes sick leave pay, vacation pay, wages, raises, pension, stock options, commissions, bonuses, insurance benefits, and profit-sharing.
- Front pay – This one compensates you for the loss of wages that you may inure from the settlement date or future award. There’s a time limit of front pay that will end sooner or later. To determine this ending date, the lawyer will find out the amount of time you’d have continued working for your current firm if you didn’t get harassed and the amount of time you need to get a new job.
- Punitive and compensatory damages – Even if you don’t incur wage-related losses, you’ll still have a chance to receive reimbursements against the pain & suffering, reputation damage, and out-of-pocket expenses caused by the event. You’ll also be eligible to receive punitive damages if the employer, supervisor, upper management, or HR was aware of the harassment you suffered but didn’t do anything to prevent it.
6. Compensation limitations: The federal law states that any kind of unlawful harassment at workplaces will allow the victim to claim an amount anywhere below $300,000. This amount includes everything from front pay, back pay, punitive damages to compensatory damages. The limitation can differ from state to state. The federal law also enforces limitations on the amount of money that a victim may receive as compensatory or punitive damages.
- $50,000 for organizations with 15 to 100 employees
- $100,000 for organizations with 101 to 200 employees
- $200,000 for organizations with 201 to 500 employees
- $300,000 for organizations with more than 500 employees
Harassment, whether sexual or anything else, can be physically, emotionally, and financially destructive. It affects you, your family members, your coworkers, and even your friends. Basically, harassment takes a toll on everyone who loves and supports you. If you seek meaningful Compensation from a sexual harassment lawsuit, you should always remember that a lawyer can help you.