Where To Meet Women: Top Solutions For Modern Men

Where To Meet Women: Top Solutions For Modern Men

Plenty of people live on Earth. It seems that people are moving from one place to another, they meet individuals from other countries but still, feel the lack of resources to meet each other. A lot of men in different countries do not even know where to meet women for dating, relationships, and marriage.

Online dating


“In the whole world, we have 101.68 males per 100 females.” (Source: https://datingserviceusa.net/single-girls/ ). The statistics are obvious — there are more men than women in the world. It means that no one should ever feel the lack of ladies. Even if you cannot meet a woman in your country, you can always travel abroad and do that.

It may not be necessary to go or move anywhere because below, we describe all possible places where to meet women. Single men should not be worried about remaining single anymore, so check the following information.

No one canceled traditional ways of meeting women yet

Regardless of all digitalization, people still meet traditionally. They meet each other in the streets, in queues, in theaters, gyms, parks, cinemas, and all those places. Yes, people still do it. It is not difficult to meet a woman this way if you go out of your place at least sometimes. Subscribe to a gym, find a hobby, go to dancing classes, do yoga, ride a bike, hike, and do many other exciting things other single people do. This will allow you to connect with somebody.

Friends of your friends are always quite to the point

Alright, if you are too busy or lazy to go out much and are an introvert or do not want to socialize at all, you must have friends. Your friends know you like no one else and they know for sure who you are and what kind of person you may need. If you struggle to meet a woman, you can always ask them to connect you with someone they know well. In your circles, there will always be some single women willing to meet you.

Speed dating events won’t take much of your time

You know that various events are often arranged for singles in different corners of the world. In your area, there must be speed dating evenings for various age categories where to meet women. Have you ever heard of them? Well, open Google right now and just search. We bet you will easily find some venues where to meet women this way.

Speed dating is very convenient but could be not very efficient for people struggling with communication. If you follow the tips below, you may find it not that complicated anymore:

  • Prepare your questions beforehand. You will have just 180 seconds to discuss things with your opponent. You cannot just sit and stare at her in uncomfortable silence. You can think of everything you would ask women in advance.
  • Look your best. Make sure you look and smell well. Prepare your clothes beforehand, look tidy. Women pay attention to your hands and shoes, so make sure both are clean enough when you go to places where to meet women.
  • Do not ask women forbidden questions. Those questions normally include sex, religion, and money. Try to speak about something general.

Even if you do not meet anyone to date, you will have a good time. This is worth a try. Speed dating events do not happen that often, so you can devote an hour or two per week or month and do your best to meet some women.

Online dating will help for sure!


All the above-mentioned methods require your direct participation. You are supposed to go out and communicate with people face-to-face once you decide on places where to meet women. Another way to meet women without all that (at least at an early stage) is online dating. You will find plenty of dating sites and apps that will help you get in touch with very beautiful single girls online. Of course, after your online dates, you will be able to finally meet for a real first date. However, by that time, you will already get to know a lot about one another and you will not find it difficult.

Although there are plenty of social media and free dating apps where to meet women, it is not recommended to attempt to meet ladies there. These free platforms are full of scammers and people not having very pure intentions. It would be better to pick verified platforms where you can easily meet someone truly decent. Such websites host many women who are 100% single and want to meet good single men. If you are willing to learn much more about how and where to meet women, visit DatingServiceUSA and get more valuable advice on any topic related to dating and relationships. Check plenty of tips from experts and make sure you are moving in the right direction.

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