Electric Furnace vs Heat Pump

Electric Furnace vs Heat Pump: Which is The Right Choice for Your Home

Did you know that 36 percent of homes in the United States of America use an electric furnace to provide heat in the house during the winter months? Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home is vital when the temps start to drop, and a big part of staying warm is choosing between an electric furnace vs. a heat pump for your home.

A heat pump is an excellent addition to any home if efficiency is your main concern, but there are perks of having an electric furnace that you need to consider before making a final decision. The good news is that you’ve found the right place to learn all about the pros and cons of the electric furnace and heat pump for your home’s heating needs.

Keep reading this article to learn more today!

Electric Furnace vs Heat Pump

What Is a Heat Pump?

A heat pump is an essential component in your home’s heating system since it offers an energy-efficient way to push the hot air throughout your home. Many people that choose to go with a heat pump do so because they know that it will save them money compared to a furnace or air conditioning unit.

Heat pumps work by pushing or transferring the heat from an area that is cool to one that is warm. The heat that is outside of the home during the winter months gets brought into your home with the heat pump. It works in reverse in the summer months to keep your home at a comfortable temperature by transferring the air in your home in exchange for air from outside.

The thing that sets the heat pump apart from the electric furnace is that it doesn’t produce heat. A heat pump finds and moves heat from one area around your home to another. If you live in a temperate climate then it’s a great solution for keeping your home comfortable.

Pros of the Heat Pump

The biggest argument in favor of the heat pump over the electric furnace is the efficiency that it provides. Electric and gas furnaces are inefficient since they need to turn cold air into hot air. This results in a large heat loss during the heating process.

The heat pump eliminates that process and merely collects ambient heat and moves it into your home. You can expect much lower energy bills when you decide to get a heat pump for your home.

You’ll also experience much better air quality in your home with a heat pump vs. an electric furnace in your home. Electric furnaces have no way of regulating humidity in the home, but your heat pump is perfect no matter the season. Working with Armstrong AC and Electric is a great way to set your home up with a mini split heat pump for the best efficiency.

Cons of the Heat Pump

A big drawback to consider with the heat pump is the fact that they’re a bit pricey to install in your home. You need to stick to the big picture when you get a heat pump and remember that it will save you money in the long run. Look at your heat pump as an investment for a comfortable home.

They’re also less efficient than an electric furnace when severe weather occurs in your area. The heat pump collects ambient heat from the ground and the air around your home, but if you’re in the middle of a blizzard your heat pump will struggle to collect heat. It’s important to understand what does a heat pump do before spending big money on the installation in your home.

What Is a Furnace?

A furnace is a heating system that is designed to help you keep your home warm when the temperatures plummet in winter. The two most popular types of furnaces are eclectic furnaces and gas furnaces. The furnaces will start using energy to produce heat using either a pilot light or an electronic ignition.

From there, the furnace blows that warm air through the ducts in your home to provide heat to the different rooms that you use. The furnace will use a heat exchanger and a blower to make sure that the air moves through your home for a balanced heat.

Pros of an Electric Furnace

A big reason for the popularity of electric furnaces is the fact that they tend to cost less to install compared to gas furnaces and heat pumps. It’s a great option if you’re looking for ways to keep your home comfortable at a discounted rate.

Electric furnaces also have quite a long lifespan compared to other heat sources for your home. The average electric furnace will last up to 25 years as long as you take steps to maintain it. The good news is that your electric furnace is easy to take care of, so it should be easy to keep it running for years to come.

Cons of an Electric Furnace

Electric furnaces do have some big drawbacks to consider, especially if efficiency is high on your list of priorities. You’ll need to spend more money to keep your electric furnace up and running during the winter. Your energy bills will start to add up over a long period of time.

You’ll also have to deal with dry heat compared to the comfortable heat produced by a heat pump. If your household struggles with allergies then it might be difficult to get through the winter with electric heat from an electric furnace.

Now You Know the Difference Between the Electric Furnace vs. Heat Pump

Having an understanding of how your heat options work when it comes to the electric furnace vs. heat pump will help you find the right heating solution for your home. The mini split heat pump collects ambient heat from the air and ground to ensure that your home stays comfortable no matter the season. The electric furnace is less efficient and produces dry heat that could cause allergies.

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