How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

How to Protect Yourself From Coronavirus?

Newly discovered coronavirus is declared as a pandemic by WHO. There is no proper cure for this respiratory disease. According to WHO and CDC Covid-19 is a communicable disease that can easily spread by sneezing, cough, or any type of contact with an infected person. But WHO has also guided some steps to protect yourself from coronavirus infection which are listed below,

  1. Wash your hands

To keep your hands’ clean wash with sanitizer and water for at least 20 seconds. The frequency of washing hands varies from person to person, but it is always good to wash your hands before eating, after going out to the bathroom, and after sneezing or coughing. If there is no soap or water, you can use an alcohol-based disinfectant. CDC recommends using a disinfectant containing at least 60% alcohol. This is one of the most basic and important ways of preventing coronavirus.

  1. Sneeze on elbow not hands

Coughing or sneezing seems to be something that should be done correctly, but it goes a step further – avoid coughing or sneezing as much as possible. If you cough or sneeze in your hand, you can transfer bacteria or viruses to it. These bacteria and viruses can spread to other surfaces being touched. Although these methods are not perfect; they can prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. Throw away the tissue after coughing or sneezing.

  1. Stay at home

Although it’s nice to get involved in work or study, going to work or school is not a good idea if you feel sick. If you don’t feel well, stay home, and relax. If you have to go in public, wear a mask so as not to infect others or to protect yourself from inhaling the coronavirus.

You might feel “Oh, I could probably do this today!” But if you are sick, prevention is better than cure: your boss or teacher will thank you for having these bacteria at home!

  1. Avoid handshakes

Extending your handshake is a common greeting or a sign of respect, whether you’re entering into a contract or meeting someone for the first time. However, as mentioned above, your hands may contain bacteria and viruses. This means that a person’s handshake can transfer bacteria or viruses to that person, or vice versa.

As a respiratory disease, COVID-19 spreads through droplets excreted from the respiratory tract by sneezing or coughing. However, if an infected person coughs or sneezes in his hand and shakes it with others then the virus can be transferred manually.

A handshake can put your life to risk while a simple namaste can save your life.

  1. Stop touching your face.

Touching other people’s hands is not the only exercise related to the shrinking palm: you should also avoid touching your face with your hands!

As mentioned above, the drops can be transferred by manual contact. For this reason, it is not advisable to touch the eyes, nose, and mouth. When the drops containing the virus come into contact with your hands, touching the eyes, nose, or mouth is the main way of transferring these drops to your body.

Good hand hygiene reduces the chance of falling ill, reducing the frequency of facial contact is another good move.

These simple precautions can prevent several infectious diseases, not just coronaviruses.

Final Words

The methods mentioned above are prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). Social distancing, covering your face with a mask are mere preliminary precautions. If you are feeling any symptoms of COVID-19 please see a doctor as soon as possible. Remember to self-isolate yourself avoid contact with other family members and also maintain a safe distance of at least 10 feet at public places.

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