
How Do You Know If You Have Vertigo?

Are you experiencing bouts of dizziness while doing daily chores? Or you are experiencing a spinning sensation where the room seems to spin around? Or you are experiencing you are spinning when you are not? Does simple walking or driving seem to be a difficult task? if the answer is yes, these vertigo signs indicate you are experiencing vertigo.

It is a common condition experienced by a majority of people once in a lifetime irrespective of age and gender. But, the prevalence of vertigo is generally found in old people as age is one main factor that can lead to such a situation. Women are more at risk of developing vertigo conditions. Stas, even prove that the percentage of women is slightly higher to experience vertigo symptoms than men.

Vertigo (Chakkar aana) is a condition where a person feels a spinning sensation, where nearby surroundings seem to be in motion, which in reality is static or a person may experience he is spinning all by himself. Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by vertigo. Sometimes you may even feel trigger in vertigo bouts when you wake up in the morning or sudden changes in the position of the head can make you feel dizzy or you may experience disequilibrium. Many people often get confused between vertigo and lightheadedness, but they are quite different. Accomplishing daily tasks seems to be a hectic task with vertigo conditions. Everyday activities like getting up from the bed, walking, crossing the road, lifting weights, driving, seems to be unusually intense if you are experiencing vertigo conditions. Recurring episodes of vertigo bouts can impact your everyday life. Mild vertigo can be treated well at home with certain vertigo home remedies. The Vertigo symptoms will entirely depend on the underlying cause. The attacks of vertigo spells can develop suddenly and can last for several seconds, minutes or hours, depending on the cause and the severity of the condition. If you are experiencing severe vertigo, the condition may remain constant for certain days. Seeking medical help is recommended as soon as you start observing vertigo symptoms. An expert neurologist will first diagnose the underlying cause of vertigo and would suggest the best vertigo treatment accordingly.

Vertigo is widely categorized into two parts known as Peripheral Vertigo and central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is the most common type of vertigo found in the majority of patients. It is a result of the problem in the inner ear or vestibular system responsible for sending signals from the inner ear to the brain. Meniere’s disease, BPPV vertigo, Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis are some of the common causes of vertigo that comes under peripheral vertigo. Under all these conditions, the inflammation or infection in the inner ear or vestibular nerve blocks the messages from the inner ear to the brain, while making a person feel dizzy and off-balance. Whereas central vertigo is a result of a glitch in the brain or a head injury, particularly in an area of the brain called the cerebellum.

Have you ever thought about what causes vertigo spells?

Vertigo spells are caused due to various reasons starting from the inner ear disorders, migraines, inflammation in the vestibular nerve and cochlear nerve, and neck or head injury. These all conditions are the onset of vertigo signs and patients start experiencing the same as the ailment progresses. Some medications may even trigger vertigo conditions in a patient. Here are some of the most common causes that create vertigo conditions in patients.

  1. BPPV

BPPV is one of the most common causes of vertigo, experienced by a majority of patients. The deposition of calcium crystals in the inner ear blocks the vestibular nerve responsible for sending sensory signals to the brain from the inner ear. The unclear messages to the brain make the person lose balance and make you feel dizzy. It can occur without any reason and can be an age-related issue.

  1. Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a result of fluid build-up in the inner ear. It is an inner ear disorder that is responsible for vertigo bouts in some patients. The pressure in the inner ear is caused by in Meniere’s disease which results in bouts of vertigo spells. It can even result in the ringing in the ear which is known as tinnitus if the case becomes more severe.

  1. Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis

Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are inner ear disorders caused due to viral infection. A common cold or flu can trigger the condition. The inflammation caused in the inner ear and vestibular nerve makes the body lose balance while making a person dizzy. In labyrinthitis, the condition may even affect the hearing ability along with the balance of the body.

Seek vertigo treatment as soon as you start observing vertigo symptoms

Rolling over in bed and waking up after a night of sleep, can make you feel dizzy as soon as you get up in the morning. Sudden bending, getting up from the bed, a sudden movement in the position of the head triggers the vertigo conditions. Here is a list of certain vertigo symptoms that are likely experienced by patients experiencing sudden bouts of vertigo.

  1. Spinning sensation
  2. Tilting
  3. Feeling off-balance or unsteadiness
  4. Nausea and vomiting
  5. Migraine headaches
  6. Abnormal eye jerking or distorted vision
  7. Sweating
  8. Ringing in the inner ear or hearing loss
  9. Pulled in one direction

These vertigo symptoms may last for a few seconds to hours and may sometimes subside on its own. But consulting the doctor at the right time helps in alleviating vertigo symptoms before the symptoms get complex. Your doctor will examine the underlying condition of vertigo by carrying various tests and would suggest the right vertigo treatment depending on the underlying cause. Practicing Vertigo exercises prescribed by doctors helps in combating the condition within a few weeks. In some rare case when vertigo medications and exercises are not enough to treat the condition, surgery is recommended by doctors.

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